Peripheral Angiogram and Angioplasty includes the test to detect the plaque buildup that is leading to the narrowing in the peripheral arteries, by performing Angiogram and then treat the narrowed peripheral arteries by widening them for better blood flow using Angioplasty.
Peripheral Arteries
The blood vessels, that supply oxygenated blood coming from the heart to the arms, hands, legs and feet of the human body, are the Peripheral Arteries.
Peripheral Angiogram
An imaging test using Fluroscopy is used to view the peripheral arteries flowing through the legs, knees, ankles, arms and hands. This in turn will help the specialists to study the blocked, narrow, enlarged or malformed arteries in different parts of the body. A liquid X-ray dye (iodine based) is first injected into the suspected blood vessel, using a thin flexible tube or catheter from the access point, usually an incision in the groin. The blood flow in the blood vessel is made visible to the X-ray monitors by the X-ray contrast media. The kidneys will eliminate this contrast from the body.
Conditions detected by Peripheral Angiogram
The different conditions that can be diagnosed using the Peripheral Angiogram are:
Peripheral Angioplasty
Angioplasty or stent placement (as is done in the heart for coronary artery disease
(CAD) are nonsurgical and are performed by making a small incision through which a
catheter is inserted to reach the blocked artery. A tiny balloon is inflated inside
the artery to open the clog. A stent — a tiny wire mesh cylinder — may also be
implanted at this time to help hold the artery open. Sometimes a medicine can be
given through the catheter or a special device can be inserted through it to remove
a clot that's blocking the artery.
If there's a long portion of artery in your leg that's completely blocked and you're
having severe symptoms, surgery may be necessary. A vein from another part of the
body can be used to “bypass” and reroute blood around the closed artery .Once the
diseased or blocked blood vessel is identified, this procedure is done. This is
referred to as Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) or intervention.
The PTA Procedure
A balloon catheter, thin flexible tube with a small-deflated balloon at one end, is guided to the place where the artery is narrow. Once positioned properly, the balloon is inflated and the narrow part of the blood vessel is widened slowly. Then a stent is placed.
Patient’s Role
Before the Procedure
You may have to fast until 6 hours before admission. No food but you can drink clear fluids.
After the Procedure
Patients are monitored for 24 hours, depending on your condition as well as what your
doctor suggests.
You might have a small amount of bruising at the catheter entry point; it is common
and nothing to be worried about.
Before you are discharged, you will be given instructions to be followed at your